Individualized Online Coaching & Exercise Programming

Monthly individualized strength coaching can be great for the athlete and weekend warrior alike. Online coaching gives you the freedom to workout on your own schedule - while still getting the results you are looking for. This can be especially helpful when you are injured. Having a professional guide you through this undertaking takes the guesswork out of the process, and allows you to focus all of your attention on improving and pushing yourself to new levels.

Some reasons that you may seek online coaching:

  1. You find it hard to stick to the same program, or you bounce between exercises not really knowing what to work on

  2. You find it hard to keep yourself accountable

  3. You are not pushing your numbers at the gym

  4. You are an injured athlete and not sure what exercises you should be doing to help

  5. You are pre/post natal and unsure what exercises to do or where to start

  6. You need guidance

  7. You have not gotten results in the past

  8. Your pain/injury has not subsided after having gone to physiotherapy and tried "conventional rehab" for 1-2 months

  9. You are new to the gym and/or strength training

  10. You are looking for feedback and support from a professional

If you said YES to any of the above, online coaching is FOR YOU! 

Included in the package is:

  1. Initial 30 minute Online or In-Person Coaching Call/Physiotherapy Assessment

  2. Full access to TrueCoach training app that includes exercises videos and progress tracking, helping you push yourself and reach new personal bests. This app is where your weekly workouts will be housed, viewed and tracked. Additionally, weekly video feedback can be given from your coach (me!) if you are needing some extra help with technique

  3. One 30 minute check-in/physiotherapy follow-up per 4 week block to make adaptations to the plan (online or in-person)

  4. Unlimited feedback and support to answer questions or adapt the plan online

*This may be billed as physiotherapy under Extended Health benefits if you reside in British Columbia.

Please reach out via email to or via Instagram DM if you are interested in Online Coaching, as there are limited spaces for this service.